Creating a technical specification document can seem daunting, but you shouldn’t let a lack of technical background deter you from writing one yourself. The process is actually quite simple. Companies that are not digitally native may feel intimidated by the need for technical writing when developing custom apps. Even when subcontracting out your mobile, web or IoT app’s development, your app developers will still need a technical specification document outlining your product requirements to bring your app to life.

Technical specification documents function as the foundation of the app development process. In this spec sheet, you’ll learn how to define your app’s addressable problems, features, user flows, and other product requirements. This living document will serve as a guide for app development, from start to first release. By creating a master document that specifies the technical requirements of your app, there is less room for vagaries and miscommunication as you move through the app development process. This will minimize your risk of experiencing development schedule delays, or poor product-market fit.

This six-part blog series will walk you through how to create a Technical Spec Document for your app, containing everything engineers need to deliver apps with as few delays and mistakes as possible.


4. System Features

5. User Flows

6. App Administration
